Monday, March 21, 2016

Lucifer commentary part 2

Just got done watching tonight's episode of Lucifer on Fox. This show is really starting to intrigue me. As noted in my original blog post, it has its humorous moments, but tonite was a bit darker, and had a plot line revolving around faith.

I was reading a copy of the newspaper of the Dubuque Catholic Diocese that Vicki gets, and found a commentary about the show. It surprisingly didn't rip it to shreds.

If you are interested in the show, it is an interesting read, HERE IT IS.

Of course, the original review from the Catholic News Service is a bit more harsh, from when the series first came out. HERE IT IS.

Tonite's episode was a bit more interesting from a dogma point of view. Of course the criticism from the church is that this show adds some glamour to Satan, aka Lucifer. But tonite, they pounded home the horrors of Hell. If you watched the show from a Christian perspective, I think it would be rather refreshing to see that on network television.

And speaking of the word "Dogma", it reminds me a bit of the movie of the same name. It is good entertainment, but it gives you something to think about, other than a straight laugh. However I realize how the movie Dogma is seen, would be widely open to interpretation, depending on your religious point of view. But I suppose that is another blog post. HERE is the IMDB review of that movie in case you are interested.