I discovered my cable internet provider, had upped my speed from 10 Mbps to 20Mbps at no charge (Stratford CCS). So that was nice. However, when doing speedtests, I could never get more than 10 Meg, no matter the device I tried.
I hooked a laptop directly into the back of the cable modem, with no router, and there was the 20Meg service. Worked great. But back to my router, and whether I was hardwired in it, or via the air, it was never more than 10Meg.
I found my answer on the net. I had Media Prioritization set for 10Mbps on my computer. As the master of the house, at least techy wise, I wanted my computer set to be the boss for moving whatever I wanted moved back when the router was initially installed, and we had 10Meg service.
However I forgot all about that setting. So when we got bumped to 20Meg, everything still was throttled to 10. I changed the setting, and I am now moving a nice 20Meg download on any device. Hooray!
And good job for Stratford CCS for coming out just to check. And I have good luck with them delivering their advertised speeds all the time.
Have you ever looked into dd-wrt ? Open source firmwares for many routers. Depending on your router model, there are some nifty feature options and upgrades possible that your stock firmware simply won't do. Running a dd-wrt firmware on my home router and it's been ultra stable and has never locked up or glitched in over a year now. Pretty cool techie stuff to play with if anything.