Sunday, May 22, 2016

Fruity beer sucks

I heard some local sports talk guys talking about most overrated beers. I remember a couple from their list. Sam Adams Boston Lager, Blue Moon, and "American Macro Beers".

I don't think Sam Adams is overrated. It's a solid beer. Blue Moon is a good one for the list. I really don't get the appeal. "Put an orange with it". If it needs an orange, it sucks.

Which gets to my most overrated beer, and that is Leiney's Summer Shandy. I've never drank horse piss, but that is what I imagine it tastes like. Regular Leinenkugel's is ok. I'd love to have someone hand me a regular Leiney's. But their Summer Shandy is awful.

I get that people are trending to micro breweries. And these brewers are trying various concoctions. But please, no fruit in the beer. Beer should be beer. If I want wine, I'll drink wine. So this Summer Shandy crap has lemon in it. "It's like a combination of lemonade and beer." Think about that for a second. That sounds horrible.


  1. Cheers Mr. Fritz on 2 interesting articles for my taste in a row. Surely you appreciate all comments even if they're both from me. Can't say I argue with you on the wuss fruity beer; however I shall differ only slightly in my opinion particularly on Blue Moon because I like it. But only when I buy it myself and don't put any dumb fruit in it, or when remember to tell the bartender to leave his fruit the heck out of it. Unfortunately when I do have a Blue Moon and forget to prevent the bartender from wasting a lemon or orange or whatever, I know I can always hope that not enough fruit juice from the slice made its way in to ruin my beer when I pull it off the glass and hand it to my wife. She likes fruit with anything, particularly her alcohol. Some time ago, while looking for new and interesting beers to try, I indeed fell for the "Summer Shandy".. sounds good give it a try once table tent. Alas.. fruity beer.. crap. I had to look up the word "Shandy" to make sure I understood what not to buy again in the future because I have a short memory with beer. I merely had to learn that "shandy" is now a key word in what beer I don't want to buy again. According to Wiki: Shandy is beer mixed with a soft drink, such as carbonated lemonade, ginger beer, ginger ale, or apple juice or orange juice. None of which belong in a beer I care to drink for good taste.

  2. Our tastes are the same. Much like not liking raisins in cookies.

  3. What about craisins? You can make a damn good oatmeal- craisins cookie.
