Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Republican Debate

Watched the Republican Debate last night. Last one before the caucuses I believe. Unless the RNC is worried about Cruz, and need another one to beat on him a bit. If that is the case, they will slam one together. Anyway....

I enjoy watching these debates for the political theatre. I have my leading guy (Cruz), but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy listening to the others, and agreeing or disagreeing with them. My rundown of best to worst performances (not the order I agree on them with)

Rand Paul I thought he came across with some good points, and didn't seem as obnoxious and surly as other debates. Maybe too little, too late, but a good effort. I'm pondering a vote for him in the caucus, even tho I'm pretty solid in the Cruz camp.

Donald Trump Trump was Trump. Touting how he will build stuff, making fun of Jeb, making faces. All the stuff that Trump supporters love.

Chris Christie The guy really shines in these events. Talks a little too much about 9-11 for my tastes. But he definitely comes across as a leader, and take charge guy. Probably would do better in a general election than a R primary/caucus

Ted Cruz Showed a real command of the issues, and carried himself as a no BS kinda guy. However he is in slot #4 because he was really annoying me by not shutting up, and running on.

Jeb Bush He comes off as a reasonable dude. But he sets himself up to get smacked down by the likes of Trump. If he would stop arguing with Trump, he might look better. This country is not ready for Bush 3 right now tho. Not his year.

Marco Rubio He needed to shine to move into top 3 in election results/polling. I don't think it will help in how he performed. Getting in the sparring match with Paul and Cruz is not where he needed to go. He needs the Bush, Kasich, and Christie voters. If he had told his plans, in a Ted Cruz kinda way, it might have helped. Just seemed like he was flailing at times.

John Kasich I think he has a constituency of people not liking the rough and tumble of politics. And he appealed to that. But he did nothing to get himself out of single digits in a R primary/caucus. I sometimes wonder if he should run as a D.

Ben Carson Seems like a good dude. Probably would make a good cabinet secretary. But I just don't see the stage presence to be that person. The debate was more of the same. Americans typically want a president that is larger than life, or can make a great speech, and/or has a certain cockiness. Ben did not show that.

Carly Fiorina She was annoying throughout the whole debate. Right away, dropping the "I'm a woman" card, or whatever it was. I found it offensive, and something I would expect out of Hillary. Then the interrupting and all that. Just seemed desperate to me. Which I suppose she needs to be based on her polling numbers.

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