Friday, February 19, 2016


I really haven't made a point to record, or sit down and watch a new/current series on TV since The Simpsons 8 or so years ago (I know it is still on, but it lost me back then, I may still watch it, but it is not must see TV). The only TV I really watch now is sports, or if I stumble on a rerun like Star Trek, Hogan's Heroes, or Hill Street Blues.

I am actually watching 3 now, which is kind of amazing. One is soon to end. I have been really jacked about the 6 episode return of the X-Files. I've been pleased with it, and maybe a future post on that. I also stumbled across Angie Tribeca on TBS, which I document below.

So anyway, I watched the first episode of X-Files, left it on Fox, and started reading the paper. They had a brand new show on, called Lucifer.The pilot kinda interested me, to the point I put the paper down and was focused on the show. And it was enough to DVR the series.

So the title character is the devil himself, come to hang out on Earth. He gets hooked up with an attractive female detective on the LAPD. Lucifer has his expected powers, but he likes to hang out with the detective, and solve crimes to help punish the wicked. Lucifer runs a night club, has some fellow bad underworld characters show up and so on, trying to get him back to Hell. But Lucifer also gets advice from a psychiatrist, who doesn't know he is the devil, but offers her help with humans.

The show is a dramedy, you might say. It isn't always played for laughs, but it has its definite funny moments.

I suppose, if you were deeply religious, you might say this is a horrible show, because often the devil/Lucifer is played in a good light. Of course it could be argued the other way. Each episode is its own little morality play, and it is clear to the viewer who is good and who is bad, and the bad people always get their comeuppance. If you are a Star Trek The Next Generation fan, Lucifer reminds me of Q, and the detective is Captain Picard. Lucifer/Q are often bad, but intrigued by humans, and are humored by the actions of the detective/Picard

I love the show. I think it is fun, with a little naughty in there. It is not Masterpiece Theatre, and I've thought that some of the single episode characters have been acted weakly. And the best part, each episode ends like a Scooby Doo episode. The bad person ends up revealing all. The only thing it lacks is, "I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling kids!"

I've read some reviews online, and all the big reviewers have raked the show over pretty good. Ok, maybe it won't win any Emmys. But I think it is good fun, and I hope Fox re-ups the show.

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