Saturday, February 13, 2016

Women Tailgaters

I want to comment on women tailgaters. Not the kind you will find at Jack Trice Stadium on a fall afternoon, but the ones on the road. Can I stereotype? Is there a demographic that tailgates more than 19-24 year old white women? I see them tailgating on I-35 all the time. Maybe they are college girls trying to get home. Who knows. Just an observation of mine. Anybody care to agree or disagree?


  1. As a fellow seasoned and high mileage driver, I can't say I've made that observation. Perhaps it's because I have a higher average moving speed that doesn't attract tailgaters as often, not sure. However, regarding the 19-24 year old white women - I would have to say they are indeed the #1 offender for being at the front of the line at a stop light with the longest "delay to gas on green" time, throwing me into rage the likes of which cannot be discussed here. 99.99% due to their intense cell phone addiction and lack of self control over it.

    1. I don't get tailgated that much either. But I just see it on the interstate a lot. Maybe it is because I live in an area with more 19-24 year old white females. Thanks for your take!

  2. Women in that age category in general tend to stick their noses in their cell phones at red lights, so for sure they are the slowest to the gas pedal. As for tailgating, I think it's a "millennials" thing and not necessarily by gender.
